Dreams and Glassdrops

One of the most important things that feeds my creative projects is my dreams.  All that subliminal and weird imagery, fragmented and visceral and emotional and straaaange.  I keep a dream journal and update it regularly using drawings, diagrams and words to depict them.  I find it is a good way to keep a conscious link to that part of my brain so that I can tap into all that weird stuff.

Yesterday, I discovered the team at Editude Pictures as they presented their work at the ArtConnect Berlin breakfast.  A Berlin based film production crew, they presented the music video they did for Robot Koch’s Glassdrops.  I just love it.  It’s a dark and fragmented narrative set in the woods that really hits that dream space in your mind.  The music is very surreal and haunting.  I’m always drawn to work that speaks directly to that non-verbal, more emotional, more visual part of your brain so I had to share this here.  Turn the base up and enjoy.

Robot Koch – Glassdrops (Official Music Video) from editude pictures on Vimeo.